Zarosian Knights of Runescape

About Zkor
Meet the Staff
Zaroism members and ranks
Clan Stories
Military Page

Welcome to Zarosian Knights of Runescape website!
We are a clan on Runescape, a game by Jagex ltd.

Welcome to Zarosion Knights of Runescape (Zkor or Zakor) website. We are a clan that is all about following Zaros, the true god of chaos!
We are now recruiting, if you wish to join private message Bogmaster5, Ageemperor, Fry44, or Zichiou in runescape. We will then check the highscores to see what possibilities you have in the community. We will then give you a list of your possibilities and you can choose which 1 or 1's you want.
To join Zkof there are several requirements that must be met for more information look for "requirments on the menu to the left.
For a list of current members Look for members in the menu to the left.
For a list of some of our members stories look for stories to the left.
for this annoying list to stop click on one of the options to the left.

To Runescape

Meeting Times
None yet