Zarosian Knights of Runescape

About Zkor
About Zkor
Meet the Staff
Zaroism members and ranks
Clan Stories
Military Page

Our History

Well it all started when me and my friend Zichiou were talking. We were talking about how us and a selected few know the runescape history as it really is. So then Zich came up with the idea for a Zarosian Church. Like a place that would have meetings and talk about the runescape true history. Since i was the one who told Zichiou the real history of runescape in the first place he let me be, Historian, High Priest, and Leader. We then found a Church location. Zich said "we should have stuff like drop parties too". We found a Drop Party Location. Then we were talking about how we should have a military section. Slowly it morfed into more of a clan then a Church. So we decided it should just be a clan.

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